Terms of Use
These Terms of Use (the terms) are between the Council and you. By using OLS, you agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not wish to be bound by the terms of this agreement, you must not access OLS. You may use OLS as set out in these terms.
If you are using OLS on behalf of another person, including but not limited to making an application or submission, you warrant that you have the consent of the other person, or are otherwise authorised to use OLS on their behalf.
From time to time, the Council changes or adds to OLS, including these terms, without notice. Any change to these terms will be effective as soon as they are published on OLS. You should review these terms regularly to check for updates. By using OLS, you accept the terms in force at the time of accessing OLS.
On this webpage, the following meanings apply:
- ‘the Council’ means the Redland City Council and includes its employees, councillors, agents and contractors.
- ‘OLS’ means Online Lodgement System.
- ‘relevant planning legislation’ means the Planning Act as defined under the Local Government Act 2009, including statutory instruments made or in force under the Planning Act, and includes legislation repealed by or replacing the Planning Act, as the context requires.
- ‘User’ or ‘you’ or ‘your’ means any person using the site.
- ‘Application’ means a development application, change representation, change application, extension application, cancellation application, superseded planning scheme request, plan of subdivision request, conditioned works assessment request, or conversion application as defined under the relevant planning legislation.
Where applicable, and unless the context or subject matter otherwise indicates or requires, terms used on OLS have the meaning given to it under relevant planning legislation.
Online Lodgement System Copyright Redland City Council 2017.
Except for the purpose expressly stated below and for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), reproduction, publication, communication to the public, adaptation, selling, re-transmission, reframing, linking, commercial or other use (whether for compensation of any kind or not) of documents, content or information made available with OLS by whatever means is prohibited unless the written consent of the Copyright owner is obtained.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Council makes no representations and gives no warranties (express or implied) about the information (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, quality, merchantability, fitness or suitability) for any purpose nor that access to and use of this OLS is free from service interruptions, computer viruses or other malware, infections or contaminations.
You release the Council from any liability (including without limitation, whether in an action of contract, equity, negligence or other tortious action) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential, special or indirect damages) to you or any third party, relating to access to, use of, or reliance upon OLS or the Council’s website generally.
Access to OLS is at the discretion of the Council. The Council reserves the right to refuse to allow access to any part of OLS without prior notice, and without the need to give any reason for doing so. OLS may be interrupted for maintenance and repairs, or for any other reason and that access cannot be guaranteed.
Privacy Statement
Information collected will be retained as required by the Public Records Act 2002. OLS may record some information about each access to OLS (for example, the lP address of the computer from which OLS is accessed, the date and time of access, and the pages, documents or information accessed). This information is used for statistical and site development purposes.
Except for information specifically provided by users, the Council does not collect any other personal information during use of OLS. The personal information we collect and store can only be used and disclosed in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles within the Information Privacy Act 2009, which include that the Council may use and disclose personal information if it is required or authorised by law. The Council is authorised to disclose personal information relating to applications and submissions in accordance with relevant planning legislation. Information including applicant and submitter details, copies of submissions and decision notices are all available for inspection and published online on PD Online. Names, addresses and signatures are all published in accordance with relevant planning legislation. If making a submission, please be aware that your submission is not confidential and will be made publicly available. Removal of submitter details will be considered upon request to Council.
The Council takes steps to maintain the currency and accuracy of the personal information it holds. If users require access to any personal information about them that may be held by the Council, or if users have any other questions about information privacy, e-mail the Council at rcc@redland.qld.gov.au or call the Council on (07) 3829 8999.
User requirements
Users warrant that any files or materials uploaded or transmitted to OLS do not contain computer viruses or malware, or will not in any way be detrimental to, or in violation of, the Council’s computer systems or network security.
Users are to complete all questions and provide any information identified as being required to accompany the application or submission. Users making an application must comply with the mandatory requirements under the relevant planning legislation to provide sufficient and correct information for the Council to assess an application. In the event that insufficient or incorrect information is lodged your application will not be processed in accordance with relevant planning legislation.
For information on the supporting documentation required, please refer to the relevant DA Forms or additional information provided on the Council's website https://www.redland.qld.gov.au/info/20201/development_application_process. Please contact the Council for any questions related to the application lodgement or any other general town planning enquiries on (07) 3829 8999.
Governing law
All matters relating to OLS are governed by the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia and users submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of that State and courts of appeal from them.